Saturday, May 26, 2007


look im on the blog woo! lol

has anyone been on the movie database yet? (theres a link on the filmmakers website) well if you go on there and click on now playing it comes up with a couple of links. well i tried them all in youtube to see if any of the films came up and well...

no luck finding any of the others.
there also seems to be lots of useful documents on the website already that we can give out to freshers.



Taffaroo said...

Wow. Enough said.

princess-becky said...

haha yeah just what i thought! you seen the films and animations on the film making website?

Taffaroo said...

No not yet. How do you get to the web page?

princess-becky said... (sorry cant be arsed making it into a link lol!) and then go on downloads theres a couple there for your amusement x