Tuesday, June 12, 2007


It's been a while so i just thought i'd show everybody where i'm up to.

I've nearly completed the application funding for Film making society.
I'm working on re-branding the society.
I've located a few businesses that might give us sponsorship.
I've emailed three members of LS:TV
I've emailed Jenny back and told her we will decide the date of our next meeting by the end of this week.
I've had a meeting with Megan about funding and freshers week.

Becky and myself sorted the equipment and bought and constructed the wardrobe. (It was a bitch.)

However we still need to get a chain and padlock for this and devise a system for loans. Any takers?

Also other things to do

Jenny talked about an external hard drive so i'm going to email Steph about this.
We need to:-

update the website.
Create a promo video.
Sort out freshers ideas, Make Flyers and book a room for freshers fair.
Email Paul & Will about workshops.
Get application sorted for a computer.
Apply for sponsorship.
Create an equipment list.
Find some other projects.
Get our software.
Arrange Filming for Amaze project.
Meet with Rebecca to discuss these issues before we all leave for Summer.
Devise a structure of our society layout - Rooms objectives etc...
And email the guy from the other project Jenny told us about.

So nothing really. I can do most of these things but i would'nt mind a bit of help.

thoughts thoughts and more thoughts....

if you go on the dell website there is a link that willhelp ou find the right desktop. this is what i got. not to sure what we want though so this is what results i got;


prices arent bad. what bout the E521?

not really got time to do the sponsorship stuff today or tomorrow as my laptop has been delivered to leeds so im goin bk tomorrow to collect it (i get kicked off the computer at 3.30 by my brother and sister! so cant do it now)

you get the amaze yourself brief? its made me a little worried coz of cyprus and most meetings seem in july. and i dont think they will give us money for equipment they just say software :S and i dont want to push them too much about it.

my other idea for freshers was if we get the tent for a couple of hours. get the equipment in there have some briefs (eg film an interview on student life) or ideas for short films (prob im thinking along weird arty films here! than films which actually have a story) (or if they have one thats reasonable, use that) give them time limit to plan it, film it, edit? it. would have to hve sessions say "the next film making session will begin at 2.30" people come along and work together to make it.


we could set up a film. so we are the ones writing/filming/editing throughout the day and they can just wonder in, see what we are doing join in, have a go themselves. take over from one of us for 10 mins or so, give opinions etc.

have films made by the society previously playin in background for people to come and have a sit down and watch.

what you think? we need to sort something out soon.

my messenger address is on my facebook taf if you have messenger and want to add me. might be easier to get a converstion goin with all 3 of us to decide some stuff.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


ok been doing some lookin for cabinets and for a big one its gona cost £100+ ive found this one which may be a compromise as its £60 and lockable (which is another problem with some cabinets) dimensions are h-630mm w-1190mm d-400mm which will definately fit in the space we have. its not very tall but we could buy a seperate storage thing from like wilkos dead cheap to just keep the paperwork if you want and keep it on top.

cabinet in ikea

there is another cabinet like in ikea this but with dimensions of h-1040 w-600 d-400

in staples there is this one:

cabinet in staples

but it is £120 dimensions are h- 1020 w-915 d-400
there is another one which is taller but thats £150 which i think is gettin a bit pricey!

not really a lot in argos

let us know so we can get this moving this week like we said. x

Monday, May 28, 2007


After looking at the equipment last week we obviously need to get hold of some better equipment. I've emailed Lumen today and asked them if they have any equipment they would be willing to let us buy or borrow. Hopefully they will come back with some good news. Otherwise I'll try some other people. Our Video cam's and Computers are apparently from Media Services, maybe they can provide us with some more up to date equipment. I thought maybe we could try our own department and the media and design departments. After that maybe we could ask some of the other colleges in Leeds, but i think it will be unlikely they will donate any equipment to us. Anyway I'll try to get onto this pronto. Has anybody else got any other ideas?

Also we need to do searches and maybe ask some tech headz whether our equipment is worthwhile. It's clear most of the equipment is'nt but it would be a good idea to try out the JVC's, Tripod and lighting equipment by the end of this week. So we can decide what the mone is to be spent on.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

storage cabinet

what were the measurements for the cabinet? i'll have a look on the argos and ikea websites to see if i can find anything that fits what we need. x

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Do you think that we should invite Rebecca and Steph to the blog. I'm sure they won't visit that often but it might be useful if they read a passing comment and notice that they can help us out in some way. Any ideas?


o just wondering. this blog isnt locked is it? coz if it isnt i dont think it should be locked. coz didnt you get someone intersted in your work from the curation blog taf? it might be useful to leave it unlocked for that reason. x


look im on the blog woo! lol

has anyone been on the movie database yet? (theres a link on the filmmakers website) well if you go on there and click on now playing it comes up with a couple of links. well i tried them all in youtube to see if any of the films came up and well...

no luck finding any of the others.
there also seems to be lots of useful documents on the website already that we can give out to freshers.


Steph Ancell email

Hello again, just sent out this email to Steph. Hopefully she might be able to help us out with the missing equipment and give us access to an email address we can all use.

Hi Steph,

Thanks for forwarding the email it seems really interesting. Also, I was wondering if we have a Film making society email address? If we do how do I gain access to it? And if you have had any luck in finding any equipment?



Once again, peace out x

My response

This was my response.

Hi Jenny,

We’ve recently changed the filmmaking committee, and as the new president of filmmaking society Steph kindly forwarded me your email, I hope you don‘t mind. The collaboration sounds very promising and I would be delighted in meeting you. Would it be possible to meet in the coming week?

Also, please could you forward me any information about Access and Community Engagement current projects and history? I must confess that I don’t know a great deal about either but I would be interested in finding out more.

Kind regards,

John Edwards

Email from Steph

As you know Steph was the previous president of Film making soc and she forwarded this email to me.

Hi Taf: Here's your first job email President!

Quoting Jenny Irvine on Tue 22 May 2007 04:09:09 PM

> Dear Steph and Chris,
> I work for Access and Community Engagement here at the University on the
> Amaze Yourself Project. I would like to arrange a meeting with someone
> from the Filmmakers society to discuss your potential involvement with
> this project. There may also be a number of other opportunities to
> become involved with work coordinated by our office and to access funds
> to support you to do this.
> Could you let me know if you are interested in meeting and I will try to
> arrange a time for us to meet. Greg Miller, Head of Access and Community
> Engagement will also be attending the meeting.
> Best wishes
> Jenny Irvine
> Project Officer
> Amaze Yourself Project
> Access and Community Engagement
> University of Leeds
> Leeds
> LS2 9JT

What do you all think?

Hi Everybody!!!

Hi everyone. I just wanted to start of the blog with a big hello to everybody that is on the committee or who will join the committee in the future.( Yes I am optimistic). Just want to say that everyone is doing a fantastic job so far and I'm really proud of my two other committee members and Rebecca, and I'm sure more will follow. Below i shall just list the reasoning behind the blog and it's kind of code of conduct( Yes i know this sounds lame).

1. The blog is only to be available to those within the LUU Film making society.
2. In its initial stages the blog will only be available to those involved in the creation of LUU Film making Society, i.e. those within the society or who can make a useful contribution.
3. If you wish to invite someone to the blog you must first raise it with all other committee members.
4. All decisions on the blog are not definitive and important decisions will be made democratically at official meetings between committee members.
5. The blog is for experimentation and communication of ideas.
6. The blog is initially only intended for the summer period.
7. Laura is not allowed to swear on the blog.
8. There may be no mention of Liverpool or the word Art on the blog.
9. You do not have to check the blog on a regular basis.
10. All points, excluding 7 & 8, can be amended by committee members.
11. All those who break the code of conduct will be spanked.

Taf x